Confidential, Discreet & Honest Private Investigators
We take our jobs, your privacy, and our professionalism seriously!
Providing excellent heir and beneficiary services is our sole mission. When you retain Bonded Investigations you can rest assured your case will be handled as quickly, professionally and discreetly as possible.
The Reason We Contacted You
Bonded Investigations, LLC specializes in discovering undistributed inheritances and uniting the missing lawful heirs with those lost assets.
Have we contacted you by phone or mail?
Then we believe you, or someone you know may be the lawful heir or beneficiary of an undistributed estate. Please contact us immediately.
Fast & Effective Results
We specialize in locating and uniting missing heirs and beneficiaries with undistributed inheritances and assets.
Best in Industry Experts
Bonded Investigations LLC investigators provide estate attorneys, executors and
administrators with expert probate research and missing heir/beneficiary locator services nationally.
The investigators at Bonded Investigations LLC have been described as honest, fair,
responsible, dependable and respectful. Our investigators have integrity and are
guided by a set of core principles that influences their decisions.
Our Services
What We Do For You
If we have contacted you, then we believe you, or someone you know may be the lawful heir or beneficiary of an undistributed estate. Please contact us immediately.
We arrive at this information on one of a couple ways:
Beneficiary Services
Insurance companies have billions of dollars in beneficiary checks which have never been cashed. We researched the records of many major insurance companies and other public records to identify these uncashed beneficiary checks, and in turn, unite the rightful owner with their money.
If we have contacted you, then we believe you may be entitled to a lost beneficiary payment. Please contact us immediately.

Heir Services
We research thousands of court and other public records locating undistributed estates. Often times these estates are the result of the deceased either passing away without a will (intestate) or perhaps there were certain assets that were unknown at the time the estate was originally distributed.
If we have contacted you, then we have identified you, or someone you know, as a lawful heir to such an estate. Please contact us immediately.
Do you have more Questions or Concerns? Here are some more answers:
Why are you calling me?
We are a Private Investigative agency. The ONLY service we provide is to locate undistributed assets in connection with escheated estates and to assist with the release and distribution of those assets. Our employees contact people for many reasons. For example: 1) The courts may be requiring an affidavit from an unrelated 3rd party who is familiar with a deceased person’s family history. 2) You may be related to the family of the deceased person whom we are attempting to contact. 3) You may have the same phone number which belonged to one of the family members from years before and you are NOT the person we are trying to reach. 4) You could be the named beneficiary of an old insurance policy which the courts had no record of at the time the estate was originally distributed.
This sounds like a scam…how do I know this is legitimate?
The first thing to rely upon is just good old common sense. ALL SCAMS CONTAIN THE SAME COMPONENT IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER. They all require that the victim pays for something in advance. No matter how elaborate and complex the scam might be, this component must be in place for a scam to be perpetrated against a victim. PERIOD.
Do you require any financial information or payment in advance?
No. We provide our clients with complete disclosure up front and we work directly with your attorney to make certain that you are protected and that the assets are distributed only to the legal heirs.
How much of my time will this take?
In most instances, the time required by you is surprisingly minimal.
How long before I receive the assets?
Each case has unique factors that dictate the distribution process. Some of these factors include the jurisdiction, court specific delays, statutory time requirements and the timely receipt of required documents. Many distributions are made in 60 to 90 days while others take significantly longer, depending upon the complexity of the case.
How are the assets transferred to me?
For your protection, the California State Comptroller’s Office acts as the Official Administrator of the assets. Once we obtain the approval for the release of the assets, a check is sent directly to you from the California State Treasurer’s Office. By law, the assets belonging to you may not be distributed to anyone other than you.
What if the courts determine I am not a lawful heir or if I do not receive any assets for any reason whatsoever, will I owe anything for your services?
Will I be held liable for any debts owed by the estate?
No. You inherit assets, not debts. The court pays all debts from the proceeds of the estate prior to the distribution of the assets.
Will I be liable for any taxes owed by the estate?
Since federal and state tax codes are constantly changing you should contact your tax consultant for verification.
I was the Executor of the estate and I know all those assets were distributed years ago.
If we are trying to reach you then this assumption is WRONG. As the Executor or Administrator of an estate, you would have distributed all KNOWN assets at that time. If we are reaching out to you then we have located assets which were not listed and were not reported or known of at the time the estate was distributed.
Bonded Investigations, LLC.
We’re here to help answer your questions. Heir and Beneficiary matters can be complicated, our experts are on hand to help inform you of every aspect. Just Call Us.